A showcase of the graphic punch, stunning beauty and relevant messages of the original German Green Party posters.
“The Green Party is here!” Iconic sticker from the 1983 German parliament election.
“Courage for a political spring!” - Election poster, 1980
“Evil. Even if you choose the lesser evil you are choosing the way to the nuclear state. - Resist nuclear power. ” Election poster, 1980
“Enough. We women are sick of everyday violence, nuclear madness, low education and second rate jobs with low pay. - Women for parliament.” Election poster, 1980
“We only borrowed this earth from our children.” Poster, 1981
“A neutron bomb cannot make peace. Peace is a question of trust.” Poster, 1979
“We are the future of our children .” Poster, 1983
“Neither capitalism nor communism. We need new ways” Poster, 1982
“Day in day out a part of nature is dying while industrialists are cashing in!” Poster, 1979
Poster, 1982